Help Center

General Questions

1Purchased report doesn't meet my expectations, what can I do?
We understand that finding the perfect report that meets all your expectations can sometimes be challenging, despite our best efforts to provide a comprehensive platform with tools designed to guide you in making the most informed decision possible.

While our policy on intellectual property does mean that we are unable to offer refunds once a report has been purchased, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and providing support to help address your concerns.

Here are a few steps we suggest to ensure you derive value from our platform and the reports available:

- Detailed Review: We encourage you to review the report again, considering the breadth of information and insights it may offer. Sometimes, the value of a report can become more apparent with a deeper understanding of its content and context.

- Feedback: We encourage you to leave a feedback on the author’s page under the purchased report. Your feedback is invaluable to us and to our authors. This not only helps us improve but also alerts the author to potential areas for enhancement in future reports.

- Utilize Platform Features: As highlighted in our guide to finding the best report, we recommend making full use of the platform's features, including detailed descriptions, author profiles, LinkedIn checks, and customer feedback, for future purchases. This multi-faceted approach is designed to help you make more informed choices that align closely with your needs.

- Support Team: Our customer support team is here to assist you in navigating the platform and making the most of its features. Whether you need help in searching for reports, understanding an author's expertise, or have any other queries, we're here to help.

We understand that this may not be the resolution you were hoping for, but please know that we are dedicated to your satisfaction and to making your experience with ReportsBank as valuable and positive as possible. Your feedback is crucial to us in improving the platform and the services we offer.

2How does author registration process look like?
After registration as an author ReportsBank team will check the provided information, during this period, you will not be able to publish your report. Only after verification that you are the real person with professional expertise you will be approved as an author and be able to submit your report for publication.

Your submitted report also will undergo the check on compliance of the content with ReportsBank Policy, with the stated topic, English grammar and quality of images. In case your report will not pass the review, it will be returned for improvement. If your report meets all requirements, you will receive message from ReportsBank team that your content is successfully published.

3What should I do if I'm experiencing technical difficulties with the platform?
Please contact our Support Team through the Contact form or by email:
4Is there a limit to the number of times I can download a report I've bought?
You can download the purchased report only during the limited time-window that will appear after the purchase.